"New Product" Category


 To help make your shopping experience even easier at MJTRIM.com, we decided to create a “New Products” category. Within this category, you’ll be able to easily find only the newest items we’ve recently added online. This category is located at the top left hand corner of the website, making it easily accessible.


Also, if you’re only curious about the new products within a certain category, then you can also click on that category and find the new product subcategory, which will display the new products within that category. For example, if you’re only interested in the new sequins on the website, then click on the sequins category. Within the sequins category, you’ll notice there is a “New Product” tab on the left side of the sequins page. When you click on this tab, you’ll be able to new only the new sequins that were added to the website.

Please check back frequently as M&J Trimming continues to make changes for a great shopping and site navigation experience.

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