4th of July BBQ Cups: Because beverages taste better with gingham ribbon

By Eleah


If you are hosting the hot-dog holiday event this year, try thinking, “What would Martha Stewart do?”.  Most BBQ’s I have frequented have been stocked with sleeves of plastic cups for summer beverages.  Thus far I have witnessed only weak attempts of adornment to these disposable drink holders.  And by weak attempt I mean illegible scribbling of someone’s initials at a last minute effort to rescue an abandoned cup from contamination or “sharing”.  So get out your scissors and glue America, it’s time to celebrate our country’s birthday.


(Yields 4 cups, multiply depending on how many friends you have or divide if you have no friends)

 Making the Cups:

  1. Measure out 9″ pieces of gingham ribbon
  2. Roll up one end of one piece of ribbon with your fingers to make it small enough to lace through buttons.  Refer to my blog image for suggested button arrangements. 
  3. Once your buttons are laced onto the ribbon piece, slide them so that they are centered in the middle of the ribbon.
  4. Apply E600 glue to the backside of the ribbon and some to the buttons for good measure.  Carefully place the ribbon glue side down around the cup.  Refer to blog image for placement on cup, or if placed lower simply cut off access ribbon.
  5. Set aside to dry and move on the rest of the cups.
  6. Write down the names of the people on your guest list on the cups in the coolest font possible. 
  7. Place the cups on a tray for guest to pick up as they enter.  I would suggest making some extras and leaving the Sharpie beside them for any lurkers or tag-alongs.

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